What are the Crisis facing by farmer's in india

Farmer's are the backbone of food sector, 
Majority of Indian citizens are farmer's. Now India is going through different crisis situation. Today I'm going through the farmer's crisis in india.

Farmer's are act as a slave there are somany wellfare scheme's and activities are going parallel but nothing is gonna be established by the government.even the Farmer's doesn't have the right to fix prices for Their products,this is so pathetic situation and how can the meet day to day expenses and this may turn into debt and huge loss.

Farmer's doesn't have proper income or any pension. I request to the government that establish some pension scheme to Farmer's that will be a big relief to them.

farmer's friendly reforms by food Pulsar

Problem facing by the farmer's in india

1. Lack of Technology and machines

The world our country is under developing day by day, technology advanced, new invention are going and there are somany revolutionary inventions are held but also there are somany Common people are using some traditional equipment and conventional equipment for farming this may affect the productivity.

• Labour cost is now high so that can't be affordable to Farmer's. 

2. Soil erosion and Natural calamities

Soil erosion and Natural calamities are one of a challenging crisis. we heard in newspapers, natural calamities like flood, windstorm are affected acter area of agriculture field.so government are established some scheme's to Save Farmer's but this couldn't reach to right people.

soil erosion is also a challenging one in Farming sector because of wind and water or High rain fall, Slop areas have a High chance of soil erosion,this couldn't affect the fertility of soil, and should properly treat the land and soil.

3. Agriculture Products Marketing

Agriculture Products Marketing by the farmer's are not in a good shape in india.there is a absence of marketing facilities and get cheaper food products from other state and country.
Even farmer's didn't get reasonable price for Their product's because of retail market and presence of middleman

4. Irrigation facilities

Lack of Irrigation facilities may affect the Farming sector,lack of water facility in and land may affect crops.

5. Availability of Seeds

Seed is essential and basic factor for farming, Assured and Quality seeds are out of margin in market and availability and selection of quality seeds are very difficult,Lack of quality seeds may affect the crops and yield and always choose quality seeds.
There are somany distribution agency's that provides seeds in market,
I recommend a mobile app that helps to Access organic foods or Get Good Seeds :: FOOD PULSAR

6. Lack of fertilizers and Pesticides

Large scale Farmer's are using always non organic pesticides and fertilizers for high yield and productivity.the main problem  are facing in this sector is retail marketers are raising price for fertilizers and pesticides so this can not afford by farmer's.
non organic pesticides and fertilizers will affect the soil fertility so try to avoid usage of this.

For small scale farmer's can easily get Organic Pesticides and Fertilizers or 


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